The bleak land

Amsterdam Sinfonietta en ISH Dance Collective
In the harsh land, uplifting music and acrobatic dance take you on a sensory journey full of hope and determination.
Thu 27 Feb 2025 20:00
Thu 27 Feb 2025
  • Thu 27 Feb 2025
    Incl. garderobe en (pauze)drankje
    Muziekcentrum, Enschede
    Grote Zaal

In The Bleak Land, you are taken on a sensory journey towards the future.

How do we stay afloat when feelings of loneliness and emptiness pull us to the bottom? From the depths, the only way is back up. For in an infinite cycle, everything always begins anew.

Based on the hundred-year-old poem The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot and inspired by music from Iranian composer Farokhzad Layegh, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, in a unique collaboration with ISH Dance Collective, presents the performance The Bleak Land. The world depicted in Eliot's poem bears many similarities to today's world, a world where challenges continue to mount: war, poverty, loneliness, climate crisis.

However, hope and determination are never lost, and in The Bleak Land, exhilarating string music and acrobatic dance take you on a sensory journey towards the future, from darkness to light. In this performance about the infinite cycle of decay and rebirth, musicians and dancers challenge each other to push their own boundaries with different musical styles and dance forms. On Thursday, February 27, at the Muziekcentrum in Enschede: The Bleak Land.


Amsterdam Sinfonietta & ISH Dance Collective

Bencha Theater

Candida Thompson, Musical Direction & Violin

Marco Gerris, Director & Choreographer


Music by Layegh, Nyman, Dessner, Say, Stravinsky, Pärt, Silvestrov