
Kana Trio
The Kāna Trio takes you on a musical journey that explores the impact of humanity on our world.
Sun 23 Mar 2025 11:00
Sun 23 Mar 2025
  • Sun 23 Mar 2025
    Incl. garderobe, koffie/thee met stukje taart
    Muziekcentrum, Enschede
    Kleine Zaal

Wake up on Sunday morning to beautiful classical music and a delicious piece of cake.

Are we nature? What is the position of humans in relation to nature? If nature were left untouched, what would the world look like? Are we part of that nature, or are we something different, destroying it?

With this in mind, Kāna Trio takes you on a musical journey that explores the impact of humanity on our world. Can nature still recover from this? The intrusion of noise, pollution, machines, and dirt wherever we go, all to make our lives more comfortable in the short term, sacrifices the future of coming generations. The trio prompts deep reflection from its audience, confronting them with some of the greatest dilemmas of our time.

A total spectacle! Without any embellishment, they show and make you feel that rhythm is in everything and everyone. With enormous precision and subtlety, they play flawlessly together—powerful but never harsh.


Kāna Trio, consisting of: Hugo Pereira, percussion João Sequeira, percussion Rens Rutten, percussion

The classical kickstart to your Sunday: six concerts in two different venues, where you can meet young, talented musicians.

You will be welcomed with coffee/tea and a delicious piece of cake while visiting talented musicians, including members of Dutch Classical Talent, former members of the Concertgebouworkest Academy, and winners of the Dutch Music Prize.

At each concert, the musicians will take you into their own musical world, sharing insights into the background of the music. This intimate Sunday morning concert series offers a relaxed way to discover classical music in just one hour.


Music by John Cage, Yijoo Hwang, Siegfried Kutterer, Luís Tinoco